

 Department Chemie - Technische Universität München
 Technische Universität München  
 Institute of Structural Biology (STB) - Helmholtz Munich
 Helmholtz Munich Cryo-Electron Microscopy Platform
 Molecular Targets & Therapeutics Center, Helmholtz Munich
 Helmholtz Munich
 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
 GDCh - Fachgruppe Magnetische Resonanzspektroskopie
 Cluster for Nucleid Acid Therapeutics Munich


DFG SFB TRR 267 Cardiovascular ncRNA
CIPSM - Munich Center for Integrated Protein Science
DFG FOR 1905 PerTrans
DFG GRK 1721 Integrated Analysis of Macromolecular Complexes and Hybrid Methods in Genome Biology
DFG SFB 1035 Control of protein function by conformational switching
DFG SFB 1309 Chemical Biology of Epigenetic Modifications
DFG SPP 1935 Schwerpunktprogramm Deciphering the mRNP code
DFG SPP 2191 Schwerpunktprogramm Liquid-liquid phase separation
Elitenetzwerk Bayern / Doktorandenkollegs 
EU Horizon 2020 ITN AEGIS - Accelerated early stage drug discovery
EU Horizon 2020 ITN RNAct - Enabling proteins with RNA recognition motifs for synthetic biology and bio-analytics
Fakultätsgraduiertenzentrum Chemie (FGCh)
G-NMR Network of German NMR Centers
IMPRS-LS PhD Program
Michael J. Fox Foundation


 NMR - Information Server
 NMR Knowledge Base

