Vorlesung "Advanced NMR Spectroscopy"
Lecture Advanced NMR Spectroscopy TUMonline
Vorlesung, 3 SWS / 5 ECTS; Chemie (M.Sc.): Schwerpunkt OC (Wahlpflicht), alle HF/NF (Wahlveranstaltung)
Lecturer: G. Gemmecker Language: English
Time: Thursday, 12.15 h, seminar room CH26410; start Oct. 17th, 2024;
no lectures on Nov. 14th, 2024 and Jan 9th, 2025!
Scripts, tutorials and also last years lectures will be available in Moodle for self-learning
Examination: written exam, Fr. Feb. 21st 2025, 10:15-11.45 h, CH 26411 - please register in TUMonline ASAP!
Content: 2D NMR spectroscopy
- Basic principles of NMR spectroscopy
- Product operator formalism, principles of 2D NMR
- 2D pulse sequences for studying structure and conformation of molecules
- Nuclear Overhauser effect
- Homo- / heteronuclear NMR
- basic NMR knowledge (1D spectra, chemical shifts, J couplings), e.g. from "Grundlagen der analytischen Chemie"
Scripts, homework & other material:
- script, exercises etc. are available via Moodle or from below
- videos from last years lectures are also available (cf. Panopto window in Moddle, file names are refering to the chapters in the script)
Additional material (will be added during the course):
Scripts | Tutorials / "Homework" |
Solutions | NMR spectra to play with |
COSYDF (tar archive) CsA-1H,13C-HSQC (tar file) CsA-1H,13C-HMBC (tar file) 1H,13C-HSQC (tar archive, 3 MB) - process yourself! 1H,13C-HMBC (tar archive, 22 MB) - process yourself! |
NEW: Spindrops visualization program for NMR |
Workspace files for import into SpinDrops: |
(thankfully provided by A. Greiner)