Vorlesung "Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy"
Lecture Biomolecular NMR-Spectroscopy (2 SWS) CH3184a
Chemie (M.Sc.): Schwerpunkt "Biolog. Chemie" (Wahlpflicht, inkl. Praktikum!), alle HF/NF (Wahlveranstaltung);
Biochemie (M.Sc.): chem. NF
4 ECTS (only lecture) / 5 ECTS (incl. Practical during summer term!)
Lecturer: Michael Sattler
Time: Friday 10:15 h - 12:00 h; starting Fri Oct 18, 2024
Location: Lecture room CH 22209. The lecture will be given live. Handouts and further information will be provided in MOODLE.
Prüfung: Modulprüfung (oral exam after lecture or after practica, resp.)
Module: for the full module (5 ECTS) participation in the Practical Biomol. NMR (CH3184b, summer term) is also required!
Basic experiments and applications of biomolecular NMR-spectroscopy
- Structure and conformation of proteins and nucleic acids
- Basic NMR experiments and information provided
- Structure determination and NMR of biological macromolecules (proteins, RNA) - AI/ML structure predictions
- Ligand binding, drug discovery
- Studying conformational dynamics by NMR
- Current topics (dynamics, IDPs, large proteins, drug discovery, in cell NMR, PREs, AI/ML)